Friday, November 23, 2012

Relatives Abroad Are A-Coming!

December this year will bring a dozen relatives based in the US back to the Philippines for the wedding of my cousin. The last wedding in our clan was ours, back in 2005, and this was a good reason for those based abroad to fly home.

There will be cousins I will be meeting for the first time. There are plans to go to the beach, museums, local sights and malls.

But the most important thing is... my Mom and my sister are coming home. My dad has already arrived just in time for Yamee's birthday... and my Mom is flying home in two weeks' time. My sister might have to get her some dmv cheatsheets driving test  so she can renew her license before she gets here and get that out of the way, and I (rather our helper) would have to clean up the house. My dad also still hass to paint their old bedroom.

And I did say my sister was coming, right?  I have not seen her for 4 years and I truly miss her more than I miss my Mom (who I last saw 2 years ago). I'm sure she has changed a lot already... and I'd have to grapple with the fact that she is an adult now, a working girl (because I'm not) and her own person.

I think I'd cry when she finally gets to hold my second son, who she's only meeting this visit. Sigh.

Hubs has filed a lot of leaves already to accommodate this homecoming... especially since we're also going to Bohol end of December for some serious bonding with my family of origin. It would be nice if my brother can also come home BUT I'm really not sure if he can take time off since he's only been in Singapore for around 2 months.

Exciting, budget-consuming, stressful times ahead... yes :)  And I am not complaining :)

Oh and yeah... Yakee will be coin bearer so he will be the most dashing 'male' in the entourage... for sure!

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