Thursday, October 28, 2004

There are no guarantees.

From the viewpoint of fear,
None are strong enough.
From the viewpoint of love,
None are necessary

... my Baby is a LOT busy these days, and preoccupied with work... but if he still manages to make me fall in love with him again and again, every day... then he must be really something, ryt? :)


I can't help but be really sad for my friend who recently got married, only to have her husband diagnosed with liver cancer some 2 weeks after...

But it's made me realize yet again that time is all we indeed have, and all we can really give and want... and it's made me more anxious to get married and live my days with the kindest, most loving and most wonderful man I've ever met and know...

My colleague used to tell me... if Jojo and I really intend to marry each other, better do it asap rather than live our lives separately and justify the separation with "We're still saving..." or "We're not in a hurry...we have time..."

After all, we both have fairly stable jobs and are of age. And we can save together as much as we can save apart...

And that savings, though they may give you a sense of security, will still not guarantee that there would never be hard times... or accidents...

I'm not saying that I regret that we waited this long... after all, we really had a lot of issues needed to be worked out... we both needed to do a lot of growing up...

Still, there is wisdom in not wasting time...


Mec said...

sinabi mo MIK... :)

still, am sure the wait will prove worth our while...

Jet said...

Like I said sis, time is indeed short. But we make it shorter still if we cramp it with so much worries when we can fill it with happy moments, take care of ourselves, and just fill each day with snippets of all the love we feel.

And like you said, there are no guarantees after all. And worrying will not give us that.

I know you're a strong and sensible person. I hope you know that too.

'Still, there is wisdom in not wasting time...' - and worrying will do just that.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for some quality points there. I am kind of new to online , so I printed this off to put in my file, any better way to go about keeping track of it then printing?