Monday, October 11, 2004

a TrIp tOgeTheR: HoNg KonG

Because we've known each other for over four years now, it's but natural that we have also taken trips together, Boracay and Puerto Galera (i didn't have a digicam yet then so the pics are real grainy, but maybe i'd blog about them someday), attempts before to rekindle the magic that brought us together and sort out our issues as we struggled to continue loving each other...

but last June, my Baby just wanted to give me a dream i've always wanted: a stamp on my passport

he had training in HK and had me follow him there... we celebrated our monthsary amidst parks and wildlife in a country where he had a hard time feeding me (bless Jollibee HK, i swear!)

ain't we grand?


tintin said...

Hong Kong!!! Wow. At and sweet naman ng mga pics! And yay for Jollibee HK (but was it as good as the one back home, cause the one in san diego, california isn't). BTW...Sexy mo!

Mec said...

well... their spaghetti was ok, and their sundae... and jojo says the beef something was delicious

i'm not an adventurous eater kasi eh... and i could only eat so much shrimp noodles... and i don't like their herbs and spices and the weird stuff they eat

ah basta... i love jollibee :D

Mec said...

well... their spaghetti was ok, and their sundae... and jojo says the beef something was delicious

i'm not an adventurous eater kasi eh... and i could only eat so much shrimp noodles... and i don't like their herbs and spices and the weird stuff they eat

ah basta... i love jollibee :D

Christine said...

hi mec! i'm here! thanks for giving me the link and congrats to you and jojo! :) i am pleased that you joined w@w. I'm a w@w graduate and now a member of the next level "newlywedsatwork" or n@w. Good luck on your wedding preps! :)