Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Promise fulfilled... in 10 or so weeks

Around eight years ago... there was this guy who didn't know where life was taking him. He should have already graduated from college by then but instead, he was working as a data encoder in a now extinct company.

And... he got his then-girlfriend pregnant. He didn't know what to do. And then, in the midst of not knowing, they lost the child. Needless to say, he was completely devastated... all in all, he deemed himself a failure as a father... as a man.

That was the lowest point in his life.

I made this poem of sorts for him...

and so you weep
for an unborn child
who, in the first place
you did not want
yet, you loved him
and dreamed
dreams for him
in the midst of
all the confusion
and unpreparedness
God must have thought it better
to give you more time
to prepare yourself
for His gift
i believe He loved you
and your child, so much
that He postponed for a while
your meeting
but you, my darling
blamed yourself
for what was unplanned
and your very human reaction
to a thing unknown
and you shed tears
and mourn
for what never was
and never could be
you ache
longing for his little hands
to reach out to yours
yearning for his cries
and laughter
but, things are just
as it should be
the short span of life
that he lived
was all that it took
to bring you God's message
of love...

You, who was scared
and who fretted years ago
can do this
are made for this!
you never needed to question
your capacity to care
and nurture
and give that unborn child
that haunts you
You too were made in His love
You too are on your way to
changing a life...

Parenthood will come soon...

Mec 5-04-2001

He named that unborn child SETH.

And with God's grace, he'd finally get to enjoy fatherhood in YAKEE.


Needless to say, he turned his life around... after meeting me :)

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