Thursday, November 08, 2007

Time Flies When You Have a Son

I can't even begin to say how amazing it is for me to realize that we've weathered Yakee's first month already.

It was really hard at first... the constant demands that you can't exactly interpret, being compromised physically, the additional expense, all the unsolicited advice from everywhere, and the self-doubts if you're already giving and doing your best.

I thank God that we've been blessed by a healthy child. He's finally letting us put him down to sleep... and sleeping longer (while I fret naman about him going hungry). My Mom (who arrived two nights ago) is amazed at his ability to support (?) his neck and back... and how strong his kicks are. After all, he's only one month old :)

Me... am sorta complaining that he's growing longer and longer so fast... makes shifting him in my arms a lot harder.

Anyway, traditionally enough, we had noodles cooked yesterday... but we opted for spaghetti over the usual pancit (planning for my Mom to cook it for us, as her homecoming treat, but alas, she was kept away from the kitchen by my son). My cousin also cooked fried chicken, and Pappie Jojo bought ice cream and two cakes.

Jojo bought a half roll and a round cake... because he says Yakee is essentially 10 months old. :)


My Mom lovingly ravages my son all the time. She's always at us about letting Yakee cry but she herself cannot suffer his wails. And she's weird, she adores my baby's scent esply after spit-ups.

I guess that's one of the plus points when you breastfeed.


We've been arranging Yakee's baptism already... it's also going to be a sort of thanksgiving birthday lunch for hubs, who will turn 31 this 17th. Wonder what i'd get him, and where i'd get the money for his gift.

Remember I vowed to get him a wii? Well, he was the one who decided to use the money instead to get Yakee christened. Still, i'd love to give him something material naman...


Obviously, Yakee's growing to be a Carbon Pappie.

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