Like what I said, I was stressed after the visit to the OB. I really thought we had enough buffer already in terms of cash and then suddenly, it seems we just have enough. It seems Asian has increased its rates this second half of the year.
So there I was, stressed and unable to sleep. When hubs woke up early to jog, we talked for a while. I was feeling stupid, you see, for insisting to still give birth in Asian for the breast crawl when it seems our pedia might not even be present at our son's birth. And I was feeling impractical too, since a scheduled CS in some cheaper hospital will allow us to have more disposable money (as I wanted to shop still!). I felt I was being a burden and unduly burdening myself. So, I was stressed.
Well, hormonal is really the word, I believe.
But hubs and I talked and we were calm and he allowed me to air my rants with no judgment. He also told me he wants to stick to the plan in a way that didn't get me defensive. And he reassured me we'd be financially okay, which I actually know to be the case (barring complications). And I was happy that hubs said it out loud, how we could talk about money without tears and shouting and drama.
I am really most blessed by the kind of marriage I have. Now, it's a lot easier to keep the faith that all will be good. And I can look forward to all my other social engagements again.
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