Thursday, February 14, 2008

Love Struck

I had the most beautiful dress on... and was made up real beautifully too. The months of derm products also paid off. I was truly beautiful and sexy and tantalizing. At least, that was how I felt.

When the car I was riding in entered the park, I immediately saw him with his back to the gate. My heart immediately skipped a beat. Am I really doing it?

Suddenly my mind filled with all the other men i've loved and cared for. I wondered what they were doing that time, if anyone of them remembers, if anyone hasn't forgotten.

My hands started feeling clammy and I suddenly needed air to breathe. I opened the car door but a friend stopped me from getting out. Instead, she fussed over my dress and had me hand over my cellphone.

And then it was time for my march.

Like what I said, I felt truly beautiful. So I took my time in taking my steps, wanting to savor each moment that i'd still be 'free', wanting to take everything in and freeze it in time as a wonderful memory.

Of course, like other brides, I was dazed.

I didn't even remember the Church doors being closed... and then opened to welcome me inside.

All I can remember is sweet music.

And my husband-to-be looking very handsome in the barong we lovingly chose, crying while waiting for me by the altar.

And that's when I knew that love truly rewards the brave. For he has chosen to be with me after everything i've put him through, for I have chosen to finally commit to forever with him.

My own eyes filled with tears as I see him crying some more. His face was distorted by the rush of emotions, forever captured in our wedding photographs. But I do not think i've seen him more beautiful than in that moment...

Again, I was struck with love. Love for this person who is the gentlest man I know. Love for this person who has loved me unconditionally right from the very beginning. Love for this man who is making my dreams come true. With him, I knew the best was yet to come.

Maybe about half of all married women walked down an aisle in as wonderful a dress I had, but I wonder just how many of them walked towards a man who truly loved them, and how many of them walked towards a man they truly loved?

We should all be so lucky. I'm thankful everyday that I am this blessed.


This is my official Valentine blog post... and entry to the Lovestruck Writing Contest.


Happy Valentines everyone...

credits: Two Hearts New Life Dreams by Janvier

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