Tagged by Daiz and Haze.
1. Go to Photobucket or Google Image search.
2. Type in your answer in the "search" box.
3. Use only the first page [of results]
4. Insert the picture in your blog.
Here goes:
1. What is your relationship status? happy and married

2. What is your current mood? tired and sleepy

3. Who is your favorite band / artist? The Beatles forever!

4. What is your favorite movie? The latest I saw that I really enjoyed was JUNO

5. What kind of pet/s do you have? Will my son be considered as one? After all, he chews the furniture and requires much care :P

6. Where do you live? Paco, Manila

7. Where do you work? at home as a blogging Mom

8. What do you look like? Getting slimmer

9. What do you drive? I drive my husband crazy :)

10. What did you do last night? Enjoy Vanilla ice ceam

11. What is your favorite TV show? Heroes

12. Describe yourself. SuperMom... because I try so much.

13. What are you doing today? Blogging.

14. What is your name? Maureen

15. What is your favorite candy? Right now? Skittles...

I am tagging Bela of Abie, Jing, Pheng and Peachy
(I don't have time na to resize all the pics... ahehe)
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