Thursday, March 06, 2008

Sell and Rent Back Your Home

Sell and Rent Back specialists can help people who have put up mortgages in their homes avoid losing it. It is now a common strategy to stop repossession through a quick cash house sale.

In the UK, is considered the online bible for property sellers because it offers all the expert advice one might need, from finding the best real estate agents to finding quick cash home buyers. The site even offers cost-cutting tips when moving.

My friend told us about it when we were asking her how they were able to keep their home after mortgaging it to finance their kids' education. She says she's really grateful that there are such schemes now available to them because it allows them to keep moving forward. This way, education and other family priorities do not have to take a back seat even when the cost of living is high.

Now I cannot help but wonder if there are real estate companies offering the same here. It's a sort of failsafe when the going gets tough, affording security in the future where anything is possible.

1 comment:

Vishal said...

Nice blog I have read your post very informative, The Sale and rent back sector that has completely transformed in the last year. New FSA Regulation has brought in strict rules for Sale and Rent Back firms and protection for those people wanting to sell and rent back their homes.