Hubs' company was invited to send a representative to Manila Hotel's 98th Anniversary celebration last October 06, 2010. Hubs asked if he could bring me so we could make a date of it, and Manila Hotel happily obliged us.
The cocktails were great even though it just really made me queasy seeing all those food. Hubs saw a HS batchmate and tried most of the canapes and we just talked and had a great fun. PNoy was there and hubs even kidded about approaching him to ask him if I could be allowed to sit with them, as they were the only ones seated. I believe I was the only preggy woman in attendance.
Now, juice doesn't sit well with me anymore but a waiter said they weren't serving water. And our fault, we didn't push the issue and I drank iced tea.
After the event, we hung out at Starbucks to finalize the celebration we're planning with our siblings for Yakee's birthday. I drank my usual cream chip drink but already started feeling nauseous. Hubs, on the other hand, started sneezing and sniffling like crazy.
The night ended with hubs requiring antihistamines and suffering from a bad case of allergic rhinitis. I ended up having to barf like crazy and freckly rashes on my face (which are still there up to now). Worse, I also lost the lens cap of our beloved DSLR.
I can't say I regret having gone on the date, because dressing up for hubby will never be a chore. But that night really ended so awfully, to think it was the eve of our son's birthday. Yakee ended up waking to sick parents the following day. Sigh.
But Pappie and I looked great, 'no?
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